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Retracts for the 78½" Turbine De Havilland 100 FB9 Vampire

Turbine Vampire Oleo legs and wheels

For those wishing to source their own retract system, we can supply just the oleo legs and wheels to suit. The scale nose leg is cast aluminium trailing link type with sprung piston; very strong and set the model of a treat. The main oleo are turned aluminium sprung straight leg with locking nut axles. The wheels have superbly crafted solid aluminium split hubs and solid rubber tyres



Turbine Vampire Complete Undercarriage Set

For those wishing to buy the complete set we have added the a commercial set of large trike retracts and subtly modified these to suit the Vampire. Note; the main retracts are retracting outwards away from the cylinder. As the original prototype vampire used the Unitract International system, you will have to modify very slightly the retract bearer spacings on the model, so we suggest you buy the retracts during the early stages of the build so any adjustment can be made. 

For overseas orders please Email us

Description Price Quantity
Turbine Vampire Oleo Legs and Wheels £185.00 Out of Stock
Turbine Vampire Complete Undercarriage Set £395.00 Out of Stock
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