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Electric Dogfight Double - 31½” Chance Vought Corsair F4U
RCM&E Plan September 2006 by Tony Nijhuis


800mm / 31½"
610mm / 24"
IC Engine
Not applicable
Electric Motor
4-Max Recommended
3 Function (micro)
567g / 20oz

 Click here to download the RCM&E build article in PDF format

Please click here for the recommended electric setup

Designed as a fun scale model. The construction technique has been simplified to a slab-sided fuselage with the emphasis placed on the builder to carve and shape to achieve the Corsair flowing lines.
Featuring a solid balsa (6mm) sheet wing and box fuselage construction.
This is a one piece model with no detachable parts, except for access hatches.
Design for brushless out runner type motors and 3S Lipo.
This model is designed for hand launch.
Plan and VAC formed canopy and cowl is available.
No CNC or wood packs are available for this models

Please Note
Although we carry selective stock, we generally print and manufacture to order so deliveries may take up to 28 days to reach you from point of order. Also delivery of plans, some plastic parts and CNC wood packs will be sent as separate consignments.

For overseas orders please Email us

Description Price Quantity
Plan for Dogfight Double 31½" Corsair £15.00
Vac form set (canopy and cowl) £19.00
Plan + Vac form set Save £1.00 £33.00
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