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103” 1/5 Scale Hawker Hurricane by Tony Nijhuis

2615mm / 103"
2063mm / 81"
IC Engine
62cc Zenoah Petrol
6 Function
14.5Kg / 32lbs

Click here to view some build photos by Tony Nijhuis

Although not the largest model in our collection, this version of the famous WWII fighter is without doubt, the largest single engine model we currently do.

Initially based on our smaller 62" Hurricane we design for the RCM&E Special in 2008, this model has been over 3 years in the making and testing. With a model of this size, it has to be right so we gave the guys at TJD Models, three of the first prototypes to both build and test fly. Needless to say, they really have put the model through its paces with Gregg and John Vease the first to put their seal of approval to the model.

The model has been designed around the 62cc Zenoah engine and bespoke retracts, designed by Dave Brown and supplied by (tel-07947 553 737).

The plans are full size, reproduced on two very large sheets of 90g bond paper. The canopy and fibre glass cowl are available as well as the CNC and wood pack to complete the model. The CNC pack includes fuselage formers, the lower fuselage sides, balsa tail plane parts and a full set of wing ribs.

Please Note
Although we carry selective stock, we generally print and manufacture to order so deliveries may take up to 28 days to reach you from point of order. Also delivery of plans, some plastic parts and CNC wood packs will be sent as separate consignments.

For overseas orders please Email us

Description Price Quantity
Plan for 103 " Hawker Hurricane £60.00
Vac Form Set (Cowl and Canopy) £90.00
Plan + Vac Form Set, Save £3.00 £147.00
CNC Pack (fuselage formers, lower fuselage sides, balsa tail plane parts and a full set of wing ribs) £173.00
Plan + Vac form Set + CNC Pack Save £6.00 £317.00
Wood Pack to complete model (stock sheet and strip) £296.00
Plan + Canopy + CNC Pack + Wood Pack Save £10.00 £609.00
1/5th Scale British WWII Pilot. H145mm x W140mm £22.99
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