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42" A10 Thunderbolt II by Tony Nijhuis
Free Plan in RCM&E October 2021

Tony Nijhuis 42" EDF A10 Thunderbolt II

Tony Nijhuis 42" EDF A10 Thunderbolt II

Probably one of the most iconic ground attack aircraft of the 20thCentury and a model we have been wanting to do for a long time.

Unlike the recent mini jet designs where the wings were made of solid sheet balsa, this is a built up wing with a scale wing section. As a scale model this one is almost perfect, so even the most discerning scale modellers out there should be pretty pleased with this offering.

One thing that is a real bonus on this model is it has no retractable undercarriage, but it will ROG (rotate off grass). The scale retracted position of the main wheels, still protrude from the wing pods by 20mm, so this makes it a perfect tail dragger.

The plans are full size and reproduced on a large sheet of quality paper.

As with all our models, Vac formed parts,a CNC pack and wood pack to complete the model, are available. The CNC pack includes all fuselage formers, fuselage side parts, the tail and fin pieces, the wing ribs plus additional pieces.

Finally, to assist the building of this model, we have made available free down loads of a set of build photos.


1067mm / 42 "
962mm / 38"
3 Function
1300g / 48oz
Wing Loading
31oz/sq’ (9.68kg/m2)
Fan Size
2x 50mm (Min 700g Thrust each)
4S (4000mAh - 4500mAh)


 Click here to download the build photos in PDF format

 Click here to download the build Article in PDF format

Please click here for the recommended electric setup

Please Note
Although we carry selective stock, we generally print and manufacture to order so deliveries may take up to 28 days to reach you from point of order. Also delivery of plans, some plastic parts and CNC wood packs will be sent as separate consignments.

For overseas orders please Email us

Description Price Quantity
Plan for 42" A10 Thunderbolt II £20.00
Vac form set £25.00
Plan + Vac form set Save £3.00 £42.00
CNC Pack £65.00
Plan + CNC Pack + Vac form set Save £5.00 £105.00
Wood Pack £55.00
Plan + CNC Pack + Wood Pack Vac form set Save £5.00 £160.00
Pilot for 42" A10 Thunderbolt II £10.00
Decal Sheet £32.00 Out of Stock
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